2023 CoRL conference
Two papers accepted at CoRL: STOW: Discrete-Frame Segmentation and Tracking of Unseen Objects for Warehouse Picking Robots DYNAMO-GRASP: DYNAMics-aware Optimization for GRASP Point Detection in Suction Grippers Looking forward meeting you at the conference. Checkout our project websites for STOW and DYNAMO-GRASP
US Senator Patty Murray is visiting us
US Senator Patty Murray visits the robotics lab. Here is the news article.
2023 RSS workshop
I am going to present our work “Towards robustly picking unseen objects from densely packed shelves” at the Workshop on Perception and Manipulation Challenges for Warehouse Automation - Robotics Science and Systems (RSS).
2023 UW
I am joining the Robotic Manipulation in Densely Packed Containers project at UW!
2023 Journal accepted
Our journal on the memory architecture got accepted. Checkout the preprint.
2022 Travel grant!
I received the KHYS reserach travel grant and will be visiting Dieter’s RSE Lab at the University of Washington (UW), Seattle.
2022 IROS
Our work on success and failure detection got accepted for IROS. The preprint can be found here
2022 RA-L - Mobile manipulation
Our work on mobile manipulation got accepted at the journal RA-L. Here is the video and our preprint